Home-Based Kids

Schooling during a pandemic presents an entirely new set of concerns for parents and guardians to consider as the new fall term approaches. With varying work arrangements and health challenges, there is no one-size-fits-all choice — each household is entitled to making a decision that best serves their needs and eases their worries. There’s also the very real threat that students, or those they live with, may need to be quarantined at home. With this in mind, administrators should prepare to see some households opt out of in-person schooling and instead push for home-based learning options for an extended period of time. The ability to accommodate your community’s unique learning needs is essential for a successful academic year.

BrightShift is the perfect solution for schools looking to meet the ever-changing needs of today. Provide students with access to a secure virtual classroom from any location. Teachers can continue to engage with their students, provide helpful feedback, and assess their progress with the tools and resources our platform provides. Learning doesn’t have to suffer if the right arrangements can be made to support teachers and students. 

As you continue to make the right adjustments for your students, staff, and community, make sure you consider all of the obstacles you may encounter this fall with our white paper: https://brightshiftinc.com/six-elearning-pitfalls-whitepaper/