Secured Video Conferencing

A successful virtual learning program starts with secure video conferencing. As the switch to online learning is made, educators have a whole new challenge of providing a quality classroom experience via video chat. In order to continue teaching effectively, educators must be able to communicate with their students in a way that is safe for all parties involved. The ability to connect with students without the threat of data leaks or unwanted intruders should be a top priority for all school systems moving forward. 

Unlike any other e-learning software, BrightShift can provide teachers, administrators, and parents with peace of mind as they navigate this new world. And, it’s all very simple. There’s no need for additional apps or third-party software. With one simple click you’re in. Instructors and their students get immediate access to a fully secure virtual classroom and can dive right into learning. 

The current situation educators face is ever-changing and we must be flexible moving forward. BrightShift is here to offer a reliable space for learning to continue. Review our virtual classroom features to make sure that you’re fully prepared for the upcoming school year and the challenges it may present.